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Becoming One

Congratulations! We rejoice with you that God has brought you into each other’s life and we pray, with you, that your marriage will bring glory to God and great happiness into your life.


A wedding at Shepherd of the Hills is all inclusive:


  • Worship Center: Facility Use – You will be able to use of our beautiful Worship Center for your ceremony and a rehearsal scheduled the day before the ceremony. Space for a reception may be reserved at an additional price.


  • Pastor: Service Planning and Premarital Counseling – You will be able to meet with one of the Pastors prior to the ceremony to review the service and the vows. The Pastor will also provide several pre-marital counseling sessions (required).


  • Minister of Music: Music Selection – You will have the opportunity to meet with our Minister of Music or member of the music ministry team to select music that will be played before and during the ceremony and accompany soloists. An organ and grand piano are available.



Note: Saturday weddings must begin no later than 3 p.m. in order to have time to prepare for our Saturday evening worship service.


Wedding, Reception, Facilities

Members $500 + $250

A friend of the congregation is someone who has an immediate family member who is a member in good standing at Shepherd of the Hills Lutheran Church and/or has a child attending Shepherd of the Hills Lutheran School, or attends worship regularly but is not a member.

Friend/School Family $750 + $350

Non-Member $1,500 + $500 

Prices are all-inclusive, covering fees for facility use and staff costs. For more information, view our Wedding Guidelines.


Wedding Application

In order to reserve the use of our facilities for your wedding, please:

  1. Review our full wedding guidelines document

  2. Fill out the following Wedding Application form

  3. Mail your deposit to the church office. Facilities will not be reserved until your deposit is received.

If you have any questions, please contact our church office at 210-614-3742.

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