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Confirmation is a rite of passage in which students learn the basics of the Christian faith. Our program is two courses: First Communion Class and Catechism Class. 

First Communion Class is for sixth grade and older. Catechism Class is for seventh grade and older.

For an outline of course content, please see below.

You do not have to be a member of the church for your child to participate in our Confirmation Program.

We encourage you to prayerfully consider enrolling your child in Confirmation!


For questions or more information, please contact DCE Lauren White at

Confirmation Program


First Communion

In First Communion Class, students are prepared to take Holy Communion. These classes take place during two Sunday evenings in Lent. Classes include dinner and instruction, as parents and children eat together and learn alongside one another!

These classes answer many questions that students often have about Holy Communion.


Catechism Class

Catechism Class is two years and dives into the six main teachings of the Lutheran Church. In 12 class sessions each year, we take students through Martin Luther’s Small Catechism, a wonderful handbook that organizes Bible verses by topic. The program includes field trips, a retreat, and a special ceremony on Confirmation Sunday!

Program Overview

First Communion Class

First Communion Classes are taught each spring to parents and youth. Each class is two hours and covers the following topics in depth through discussion and interactive activities. The Rite of First Communion takes place on Palm Sunday and is a big milestone for youth!

1. Passover Connections


Last Supper

Elements of Communion

Biblical Guidelines

2. What does this mean for me?

Taking Communion

Communion across denominations

Frequently Asked Questions

3. Christ in the Passover

An interactive presentation of a Jewish Seder meal and the Gospel. 


Catechsim Class

Throughout the two years of instruction, students will dive deeper into the following topics. Each class is grounded in the Bible and applied to Christian living today. For more information, please contact DCE Lauren White at

Word and Sacrament

1. Grand Narrative of Scripture

2. Putting the Bible in Context

3. The Old Testament

4. The New Testament

5. Prayer/The Lord's Prayer: Petition 1

6. The Lord's Prayer: Petitions 2 and 3

7. The Lord's Prayer: Petition 4  

8.The Lord's Prayer: Petition 5

9. The Lord's Prayer: Petitions 6 and 7

10. Sacrament of Baptism

11. Sacrament of Holy Communion

12. God's Gift of Worship

Law and Gospel

1. Christianity and World Religions

2. First Article of the Creed

3. Second Article: Jesus' Humiliation

4. Second Article: Jesus' Exaltation

5. Third Article: The Holy Spirit

6. Third Article: The Christian Church

7. Third Article: Eternity

8. Commandments 1-3

9. Commandment 4

10. Commandment 5

11. Commandment 6

12. Commandments 7-10

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